miércoles, 26 de abril de 2017


NAME: Nerea Luque Martín   GROUP:3º ESO A DATE: 26-4-17
1. What kind of energy does a cell store?
-Chemical energy.
2. What do you call it when two or more cells are connected?
3. Could you write a definition of electric current?
-Is a flow of microscopic particles called electrons flowing through wires and components.
4. In which direction does the electricity flow in a circuit?
-From the negative terminal to the positive terminal of a cell.
5. What are the components of an electric circuit?
-Cell, lamps, wires and switch.
6. What happens if there is a break in a circuit?
-The current could not flow.
7. Could you draw 10 electric symbols and write their names? Resultado de imagen de electrical symbols

8. Could you write two characteristics of serial circuits?
-  The components are connected end-to-end, one after the other.
They make a simple loop for the current to flow round.
9. Could you write two characteristics of parallel circuits?
-The components are connected side by side.
The current have a choice of routes.
10. What unit is electrical current measured in?
-Is measured in amp (A) using an ammeter.
11. What is the electrical push that the cell gives to the current in a circuit?
- Is called the voltage. It is measured in volts (V) on a voltmeter.
12. What device is used to measure electric current?
-Is called  ammeter
13. What device is used to measure voltage?
-Is called voltmeter.
14. Are ammeters and voltmeters connected in a circuit in the same way?
-No, unlike an ammeter a voltmeter is connected across the components.
15. Give me a synonym for voltage.
-Potential difference (pd)
16. What happens to the voltage in a series circuit?
-Voltage is shared between the components.